3 June 2020


 June 3, 2020
Categoría: News

Has your dog contracted Leishmaniosis?
If you want to get out of doubt this is the time!
Until June 25 you can do a test for free, call us and ask for an appointment !!!
Leishmaniosis is a disease that affects man and animals, is caused by the bite of a mosquito (sandfly) and affects the dog, other mammals and also man. It is a zoonosis that, if not treated in time, can be fatal.
Fortunately, it is very easy to avoid this disease:
1. Diagnostic Tests: diagnosing leishmaniasis in time by means of a test is key to prevent the progression of the disease.
2. Repellents: collars or pipettes avoid the bite of the “mosquito” and therefore the infection, also helping to limit the spread of other animals and people.
3. Vaccination: with an annual vaccine against leishmaniosis we will avoid the development of clinical signs in the dog.
4. Treatment of sick animals: once the sick dog is properly diagnosed and treated, it is no longer a risk of contagion.

Take the opportunity


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